
eGlobalDoctors is an independent platform providing a venue for volunteers to provide on-demand tech support for medical equipment. It is not affiliated with any medical device manufacturers. Any use of Trademarks or Brands is only referential and eGlobalDoctors hereby disclaims any sponsorship, Affiliation or Endorsement of, or by, any manufacturers.

eGlobalDoctors cannot be held responsible for any content uploaded on or through the website. Use of content and services offered on the website of eGlobalDoctors is at the sole discretion of its users. If the product for which technical advice is being sought is under warranty, eGlobalDoctors strongly recommends seeking support from the relevant warranty holder as unauthorized support may void the warranty.

eGlobalDoctors’ volunteer technical consultants on the eGlobalDoctors platform are self-identified as having general medical device troubleshooting and training expertise.

eGlobalDoctors does not warrant the certifications and / or qualifications of the volunteer technical consultants. They may or may not have third-party certification or specific experience related to the device for which you are seeking assistance.

eGlobalDoctors also cannot be held responsible for any consequential, punitive, special, or indirect damages incurred by you following the use of our service or following the use of any third-party product for which we provide support.

The content provided on or through the eGlobalDoctors tele-mentoring platform is provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis. eGlobalDoctors completely disclaims any warranty to the fullest extent defined by the applicable law, be it expressed or implied, with regards to the fitness of the service you have accessed through our platform.

eGlobalDoctors and its experts make commercially reasonable effort to ensure the availability of the eGlobalDoctors website as and when it is required to be viewed or utilized. However, we do not guarantee its continuous availability in all time zones, in a secure and error-free state.